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    • The color purple

    • The color purple is a book written by Alice Walker, a feminist African-American writer.
  • This work was published in 1982, a year after she divorced Melvyn Laventhal.
    • A great book that shows the self-improvement and resilience of an African-American woman.
    • A year after its publication, she was the Pulitzer Prize winner of literature.
  • The epistolary structure of the book makes the reader feel close and empathy with the protagonist through the letters.
    • This book generated quite a bit of controversy as many people criticized the masculine image given by the book about African-American men.
    • Leaving an image of abusive, sexist men.
  • Alice has confessed and acknowledged that many of the characters in the book were inspired by her ancestors.
    • Her parents were grandchildren of slaves and the background of slavery is throughout history.
  • Minnie Tallulah, Alice Walker’s mother, was a seamstress and also engaged in domestic service.
    • This could have inspired her with the character of Nettie, sister of protagonist Celie.