
Text de - English

  • Situations

  • I see two men.
    • One of them is sitting in a wheelchair and the other is pulling his wheelchair helping him to move forward.
  • The right leg of the sitting man is in the plaster.
  • I guess it has been broken.
    • So he has a fracture of the leg.
  • I also see two women.
    • One of them is lying on a coach and the other woman, a nurse, is bandaging her knee with care.
    • Maybe that woman has a sprain but I don’t reckon there is anything serious.
    • In this picture I see two women in a ward.
    • One of them is a patient and the other is a doctor.
    • Apparently she is a surgeon.
    • The patient has a plaster around her arm.
    • Obviously, the doctor came to check out her fracture.
  • There are some tablets, a thermometer and a bottle of a liquid on the table near a bed.
    • I think the situation was serious but now the patient seem to get better because both of them, the doctor and the patient, look happy.