
Text from AntonioFisk - English

  • Fancy yourself as an interviewer?

  • If I had the chance, I would like to interview Ville Valo, the singer of H.I.M.
    • Since I started playing guitar, I have always listened to H.I.M. and I have always liked their music.
    • I got know H.I.M. from a friend, she lent me a CD and I really enjoyed it, then I had a search on the web and found out more information about them and Ville Valo.
  • I find Ville Valo a very interesting person.
    • I don’t only consider Ville Valo as a singer, I also appreciate him for his impressive writing skills, the songs he writes are very deep and romantic, sometimes a bit depressive and malinconic.
    • I really like his look, in particolar his hairstyle, he often changes his haircut.
    • First of all, I would ask him where he gets ispiration for writing his songs, I can’ t imagine how difficult could be writing texts when you are in tour, playing and performing even in different countries, that’ s a very stressful life.
    • I would also ask him what has been the most beautiful place where he played.
  • On the 9th of October I am going to a concert in Milano with some friends, so I would like to know if he likes Italy and Italian fans.
    • I guess every singer has a preferred place where to play.
    • Then I would like to know if, when he was young, he had ever thought of being a singer or it only happened for chance.
    • I habe been singing and playing guitar since I was a child, but I have always asked myself if I will ever have success in my life.
  • It’s really hard and it needs dedication and even a bit of luck.


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    • I got know H.I.M. from a friend, she lent me a CD and I really enjoyed it, then I had a search on the web and found out more information about them and Ville Valo.
      Äänestä nyt!
    • I got to know H.I.M. from a friend, s. She lent me a CD and I really enjoyed it, t. Then I had a search oned the web and found out more information about them and Ville Valo.
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    • I don’t only consider Ville Valo as a singer, I also appreciate him for his impressive writing skills, the songs he writes are very deep and romantic, sometimes a bit depressive and malinconic.
      Äänestä nyt!
    • I don’t only consider Ville Valo as a singer, I also appreciate him for his impressive writing skills, t. The songs he writes are very deep and romantic, sometimes a bit depressive and malinconelancholic.
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    • First of all, I would ask him where he gets ispiration for writing his songs, I can’ t imagine how difficult could be writing texts when you are in tour, playing and performing even in different countries, that’ s a very stressful life.
      Äänestä nyt!
    • First of all, I would ask him where he gets inspiration for writing his songs, I can’ t imagine how difficult cit would be writing texts when you are ion tour, playing and performing even in different countries, t. That’ s a very stressful life.
    • First of all, I would ask him where he gets inspiration for writing his songs, I can’ t imagine how difficult could be writing texts could be when you awere in tour, playing and performing even in different countries, that’ s a very stressful life.
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    • On the 9th of October I am going to a concert in Milano with some friends, so I would like to know if he likes Italy and Italian fans.
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    • Then I would like to know if, when he was young, he had ever thought of being a singer or it only happened for chance.
      Äänestä nyt!
    • Then I would like to know if, when he was young, if he had ever thought of being a singer or it only happened for chance.
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    • I habe been singing and playing guitar since I was a child, but I have always asked myself if I will ever have success in my life.
      Äänestä nyt!
    • I habve been singing and playing guitar since I was a child, but I have always asked myself if I will ever have success in my life.
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