
Text de - English

  • My small family

    • We are a family of four people without a father because he is someone who evades his responsibilities for this.
    • We are the remaining four, we are trying to be our happy family alone and like I am studying and now I am looking for work for my mother also works in one of the companies and with that we are trying to help our bite We hope we will stay together forever


  • Títol
  • Oració 1
  • Oració 2
    • We are the remaining four, we are trying to be our happy family alone and like I am studying and now I am looking for work for my mother also works in one of the companies and with that we are trying to help our bite We hope we will stay together forever
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    • We are tThe remaining four, we are of us trying to be our happy family alone and likeon our own. I am studying and now I am looking for worka job for my mother. I also works in one of thea companiesy and with that, we are trying to help our bitesupport ourselves financially.
      We hope
      that we will stay together forever.
    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 2Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 2