
Teks daripada Tupiniquim - English

  • Brazilian Stereotypes

  • Outside of all the known Brazilian stereotypes (Samba, Soccer, Carnaval and Women), there are also our regional stereotypes.
    • Each person who come from particular region/state of Brazil have his own 'famous'.
  • Here are some of them: Acre (state - North): the Acre doesn't exists.
  • People don't talk too much about Acre, so there is the reason for stereotype.
    • Amazonas (state - North): Amazonas is many times cunfused with the world's biggest rainforest, the Amazon; which many Brazilians think that exists just in Brazil (the major part is in Brazil, but also exist in other 7 countries from South America).
  • Everywhere in North: the Indian Land.
    • As a richiest nature region of Brazil, the people apply to that region this conotation.
    • But the most native indians from Brazil was died, and many languages and traditions dies too.
  • Goiás (state - Centre-West): Sertanejo Doubles Land.
    • The sertanejo (Brazil's country music) have special force in this state, and the most sertanejo's singers come from there.
  • Mato Grosso & Mato Grosso do Sul (states - Centre-West): the World's Barn.
    • With an economy based in cattle-raising and agriculture, there are the brazilian cowboys and where come from the stereotype.
  • Bahia (state - Northeastern): Lazy Land.
  • Brazilians see the bahianos as the lazy people.
  • Don't ask me why 'cause I don't know xD.
  • São Paulo (state - Southeast): stressed people.
    • Too much work, a lot of things to do, makes any one stressed!
  • Rio de Janeiro (state - Southeast): Tourism & Gringos.
  • Minas Gerais (state - Southeast): A lot of cheese.
  • Espírito Santo (state - Southeast): this state isn't important.
  • Almost the same case as Acre.
    • Paraná & Santa Catarina (states - South): Where come from the prettiest women in Brazil.
    • This explain itself.
    • Rio Grande do Sul (state - South): Too cold, too european and very much gay.
    • As you see, there's so much more to discover in Brazil than the São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro cities.
    • People shouln't generalize and never look to the stereotypes.