
Text from Pratzo - English

  • Can fear motivate people as successfully as rewarding them?

  • First we have to look at possibilities of all management methods which may influence the employees positive or negative view.
  • Fear is not always an appropriate management accounting style for motivating people successfully.
  • Today the autocratic style is still a part of several bigger companies such as Foxcon or Volkswagen.
  • Those firms have introduced their style long time ago.
  • They are still successful at this but the workforce has to do what the chairman or head of the company says.
  • A principal of order is given.
  • Those producers can act fast and individual for every customer’s demand.
  • Nowhere else you have such a high risk in demotivating employees as you have in this type of style.
  • Some of the workers from Foxcon are so desperate of their working environments that they were willing to suicidal by jumping from the factory’s roof.
  • If you adapt employees with their opinions and ideas into a decision-making process by offering a lower hierarchy structure, they are more willing to support the company for their own purpose.
  • As a result you can profit from such a situation, because the mindset is different and tends to more creativity.
  • At the end you may get a so called win-win situation.
  • I don’t think that a big amount of fear helps in a company at all.
  • Above all (of) it is very important to get all advantages and disadvantages of each management style together.
  • The decision for the right management style depends on the aim or purpose of every company.
  • Facebook for instance needs creative heads, so they have chosen the democratic way with a very flat hierarchy.