
Tekstong galing sa Maryam1987 - English

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    • Some people think that when a person travels into a different culture they should adapt to the local practices and customs.
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree?
    • Today a number of people believe that when persons go to the other country they will meet diverse strange cultures and traditions, therefore, they must understand and accept them.
    • However, in my opinion, this process is normal and ordinary but I never agree with this subject we force to forget our cultures and national identity and we have to accept foreign culture.
    • The first group of people believes that when someone goes to the novel place, they should accept and adapt in the new situation because humans are a social creature and they are not able to live alone so they require learning new local customs and getting fresh experiences.
    • They will be comfortable if they are selected to conform them self to the novel condition.
    • Although an individual should be appreciative and respect of the recent country traditions they visit or decide to live, they should not be compelled to give up their own customs.
  • Every place has a unique culture and creed.
    • They are also freedom to choose a suitable lifestyle for themselves.
    • In some countries, different cultures live in the peace and they do not discomfit to each other because they know these differents help them to understand each other and they can improve their personalities and make them wise and cultural.
    • In conclusion, I disagree with this issue for adapting in the new community we must forget our own custom because it is our forefather heritage and adapting just an option to improve our self not obligation to forget our customs.
    • Human society needs different cultures to live together in a peaceful situation. because in the verity community different talents can grow and people do not have xenophobia to other people with different ideas and lifestyles.

Pakiusap, tumulong sa pagtatama sa mga pangungusap! - English

  • Title
  • Pangungusap 1
  • Pangungusap 2
  • Pangungusap 3
    • Today a number of people believe that when persons go to the other country they will meet diverse strange cultures and traditions, therefore, they must understand and accept them.
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    • Today a number of people believe that when personsople go to the other countryies, they will meet a diverse strange of cultures and traditions, therefore, they must understand and accept them.
    • Today a number of people believe that when personsople go to the another country they will meet diversevarious strange cultures and traditions,; therefore, they must understand and accept them.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 3Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 3
  • Pangungusap 4
    • However, in my opinion, this process is normal and ordinary but I never agree with this subject we force to forget our cultures and national identity and we have to accept foreign culture.
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    • However, iIn my opinion, this process is normatural and ordinary but I never(use another word to describe ordinary- it sounds like you agree with this subject we force to trying to say that it is natural so find another word like that) , however, I don't agree that we should replace and forget our cultures and national identity and we havein order to accept a foreign culture.
    • However, in my opinion, this process is normal and ordinary but. I never agree with this subject wthat we should be forced to forget our cultures and national identity and we have to accept a foreign culture in its place.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 4Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 4
  • Pangungusap 5
    • The first group of people believes that when someone goes to the novel place, they should accept and adapt in the new situation because humans are a social creature and they are not able to live alone so they require learning new local customs and getting fresh experiences.
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    • The first group of people believes that when someone goes to the novela new place, they should accept and adapt into the new situation because humans are a social creatures and they are not able to live alone; so they require learning new local customs and getting fresh experiences.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 5Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 5
  • Pangungusap 6
  • Pangungusap 7
    • Although an individual should be appreciative and respect of the recent country traditions they visit or decide to live, they should not be compelled to give up their own customs.
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    • Although an individual should be appreciative and respectful of the recent country traditiontraditions of the countries they visit or in which decide to live, theyone should not be compelled to give up theirone’s own customs.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 7Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 7
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  • Pangungusap 10
    • In some countries, different cultures live in the peace and they do not discomfit to each other because they know these differents help them to understand each other and they can improve their personalities and make them wise and cultural.
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    • In some countries, different cultures live in the peace and they do not discomfit tobother each other because they know these differentces help them to understand each other and they can improve their personalities and make them wise and cultural.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 10Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 10
  • Pangungusap 11
    • In conclusion, I disagree with this issue for adapting in the new community we must forget our own custom because it is our forefather heritage and adapting just an option to improve our self not obligation to forget our customs.
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    • In conclusion, I disagree with this issue foro not agree that in adapting in theto a new community we must forget our own custom, because it is our forefathers’ heritage, and adapting is just an option tofor improveing our selfves, not an obligation to forget our customs.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 11Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 11
  • Pangungusap 12
    • Human society needs different cultures to live together in a peaceful situation. because in the verity community different talents can grow and people do not have xenophobia to other people with different ideas and lifestyles.
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    • Human society needs different cultures to live together in a peaceful situation. because in the verity. In a true community, different talents can grow and people doare not have xenophobiac towards other people with different ideas and lifestyles.
    • Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 12Magdagdag ng bagong pagwawasto - Pangungusap 12