

Leuke (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • Evaluation report

  • Introduction of the evaluation report The purpose of this report is to evaluate Harold Heymans’ presentation on artificial intelligence in the hedging business.
  • In this tekst I will give an enumeration of the strenghts as well as some points of criticism where Harold can improve.
  • And finally, I will conclude with an overall evaluation of the mentioned presentation.
  • Strengths of the presentation First of all, I’m going to reflect on the strengths of his presentation.
  • Harold was very well prepared and made a clear and good structured Powerpoint presentation.
  • Also the graph that he used was very obvious.
  • He started off by introducing himself and clearly describing the situation.
  • The public could keep its attention to the presentation due to the fact that he was talking loudly and not too fast.
  • A strong point of his presentation was that he came across very confidentially due to his attitude.
  • He used a lot his hands and arms during his presentation to clarify his point.
  • He was trying to make eye contact with the audience.
  • It was also remarkable how well Harold interacted with the audience during his presentation by asking us some rhetorical questions.
  • At the end of the presentation it was good that he gave us the opportunity to ask some questions.
  • During the presentation, I could not hear any grammar mistake.
  • Points of criticism That brings me to the next step, a selection of my points of criticism of his presentation.
  • I think that he was stressed, so he did not stand still always.
  • I think that this is a point for him where he can work on.
  • At the moment of showing the graph Harold did not mention what the axis of his graph was representing.
  • It might have been a good idea to clearly define the x-axis and the y-axis before explaining the graph.
  • This could possibly make it easier for the audience to understand the graph and it will help him with the explanation of the graph.
  • For further presentations, I would suggest him to not try to perfectly rattle off his text.
  • He must try to tell a story but he was so well prepared that sometimes he got lost in trying to perfectly say his text rather than trying to convince me of his point of view.
  • Conclusion of the evaluation report In conclusion, Harold did a great job and it was nice to listen to him.
  • It was clear that he spent a lot of time preparing the presentation.
  • The result was a well-structured and interactive presentation.
  • For future presentations, I suggest him to not try to rattle of his text and to stand still, even if he is nervous, because it will come over as more natural.

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