
Tekst nga Saionara6 - English

    • It is wrong to keep animala as pets.

    • Today, many in the house have a pet.
  • These are mainly dogs, cats, small birds, rodents and reptiles.
    • They are loyal friends of the owners, do not give to be bored and sad.
  • But not everyone understands that the natural habitat of animals is nature.
    • Since life formed on Earth millions of years ago, organisms began to develop and adapt to their living conditions.
    • Therefore, the lizard can throw the tail to run away from the predator, the birds can fly, and cats have sharp teeth.
  • Animals have adapted to this life.
    • When we decided to take the animal into the house, we did not think that we were taking it from the mother, who could teach him to survive in nature.
  • We did not give him a chance to be free.
    • If a pet raised at home gets into the street, he will not have a chance to survive, because he hasn’t seen anything outside the house.
  • Because of this, animals do not produce enough offspring, and this threatens to reduce the animal population.
    • Man prevents animals from living normally in freedom: he cuts down forests, hunts and catches animals to use as clothes, to eat or to sell.
    • Every year, according to our selfish motives, animals become less and less.
  • More than 400 species of animals are listed in the Red Book of Russia.
    • In conclusion, I want to say that each of us needs to think about animals, and not to exterminate and not interfere with their free life.