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  • Literature Review

  • Question about emotions E.
  • Pugacheva little studied in Russian historiography.
  • Historiography includes a set of historical and source studies on the biography of Pugachev or his figure in the context of the uprising.
  • One of the first works, which was a comprehensive study of the events of the uprising, was the work of A. S.
  • Pushkin "the history of Pugachev".
  • He tried to restore the causes, logic and course of the uprising, based on archival sources, but most of the sources, including the testimony of the participants of the revolt were classified.
  • Pushkin was not limited to available archival documents, he went on a trip to the places of the uprising and met with many witnesses of those events.
  • Pushkin critically checked the received data with archival materials, thus, resorting to a method of internal criticism of sources.
  • Pushkin in writing the "history of Pugachev" did not focus on emotions that would indicate the fears of Pugachev.
  • Nevertheless, Pushkin's work is of historical value for the present study.
  • In the second half of the XIX century, after the reforms carried out by Alexander II, interest in the events of the Pugachev rebellion increased significantly, due to the weakening of censorship restrictions, the publication of memoirs, memoirs and archival sources.
  • One of the first works related to the Pugachev uprising, which was written after the reforms, was a three-volume monograph by military historian N. F.
  • Dubrovina - " Pugachev and his accomplices: an Episode from the history of the reign of Empress Catherine II.
  • 1773-1774." In a monograph written in 1884, the author for the first time uses a large number of archival materials that were previously classified and inaccessible to researchers.
  • It is worth noting that Dubrovin was biased against the personality of Pugachev and his associates, but, nevertheless, this monograph does not lose relevance as one of the most detailed studies of the description of the events of the Pugachev rebellion.
  • Dubrovin does not analyse the emotions, not considering the fears and prejudice against Pugachev, does not allow to obtain an objective characterization of the identity of the impostor.
  • In 1907, the work of A. I.
  • Dmitriev-Mamonov "Pugachev rebellion in the Urals and Siberia"was published.
  • The monograph included a detailed description of the actions of government forces in the region under the leadership of General D. I. Chicherin.
  • Feature works Dmitrieva-Mamonova is that he drew previously unpublished archival materials, which were stored in archive of Akmola regional Board.
  • Again, he focused on the reasons for the failure of government plans to counter the troops of Pugachev.
  • Pre-revolutionary historiography focuses on the actions of the government.
  • Pugachev's biography was also touched upon, but quite poorly and negatively, due to the fact that the actions of the rebels were regarded as sharply negative, and besides, archival documents of the insurgent side have not been published for a long time, based on censorship considerations.
  • That small part of them, which was published, as a rule, did not contain an analysis.
  • In the first years after the arrival of Soviet power, there was a removal of censorship restrictions on the publication of documents from the camp of the rebels, this case was used by historians.
  • The first significant work, which was written in the Soviet years, was a three-volume study of V. V.
  • Mavrodin "Peasant war in Russia in 1773-1775.
  • The Revolt Of Pugachev".
  • In this work, Mavrodin first used the term "peasant war", which is now considered common.
  • Here the author presented the domestic and foreign historiography of the uprising, the reflection of the events of the peasant war in the socio - political and artistic literature, folklore and art.
  • "Investigation and trial of E. I.
  • Pugachev and his associates" another monograph written in the post-Soviet years, is one of the most important works on the history of the Pugachev rebellion, its author R. V. Ovchinnikov.
  • In this work, he pays great attention to the circumstances of the investigation over Pugachev in Yaitsky town, Simbirsk and Moscow.
  • Also Ovchinnikov considers enforcement of the sentence on the condemned to death, penal servitude for life.
  • Turning to documentary, memoir and epistolary sources, the author tried the history of the execution of the trial of the Pugachev family.
  • Ovchinnikov focusing on the investigation, omits Pugachev's emotions associated with fear, which can be a serious drawback in the analysis of some indications.