
Κείμενο από TheKatarinaNews - English

  • (Proposed Chapter Layout):

    • this study is a reconstruction of the fears of the leader of the people's revolt 1773-1775 E. I.
    • Pugachev, which includes the question of the impact of fear on the adoption of vital decisions.
  • To achieve this, the study is divided into four chapters.
    • The first Chapter is devoted to the biography of Pugachev, based on the materials of his interrogations and testimony of his entourage.
    • The second Chapter includes an extensive analysis of Pugachev's fears and their classification.
    • There will also be a comparison of the testimony of Pugachev and his associates with the identification of hidden fears and their subsequent interpretation.
    • The third Chapter will focus on the artistic image of Yemelyan Pugachev in various literary works and additions, with an emphasis on the description of his emotions.
    • The last Chapter is devoted to comparing the fears described in literary works and real, told or hidden during interrogations.