
Tekst van Nayeute - English

  • English final task

  • Hi, I'm writing my English final task.
  • It's about a quote from Ralph Wado Emmerson.
    • If any body have the time to read and correct, thank you very much !!
  • Our lives can't be as perfect as we wish.
  • We can't always have success, glory, gratitude and admiration because we are humans and humans are imperfect.
    • That's why Ralph Wado Emmerson has said : "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling but in raising every time we fall." The best satisfaction is not to succeed in everything we do but to learn everytime that we face a failure.
    • Failures are part of a human life so it's important to use them as lessons in order to do better the next time or to become a best person.
    • Obviously, it's not easy to do.
    • It includes a constant called into question.
    • What have I done wrong ?
    • But this constant called into question is one of the most important thing that a human have to do in order to improve and learn from his mistakes.
    • Moreover, we are all fascinated by people who succeed despite failures.
  • We admire the bravery of these people as Nelson Mandela.
    • He is a celebrity that we like to compare to us.
    • Because he wasn't perfect, he went to jail, but he overcame difficulties and became a great man.
    • Like all of us, he had not never fall but he raised every time he fall.
  • We can see the same fascination in movies.
    • Movies show us not a perfect life, where everything is amazing and where characters have a perfect life.
    • Movies show us the difficulties of living with characters who face these difficulties.
    • Unfortunately, not everybody manage to raise after falling but, at least, we all need to try.
    • Thanks for reading !