
Text von clemence007 - English

    • My Experience for an Intern Application

    • At my sophomore, I got the first informal short-time intern at Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ( ICBC ), XXXX Sub-branch.
    • During that busy four weeks, I assisted the credit manager with home interview and telephone survey over 50 clients and helped clients fill out personal information forms.
    • This experience leaded me into the professional world and made me more detail-oriented.
    • After passing the French Language test and the academic evaluation, nervously and expectedly, I came to the land of the beautiful country – France, where I amassed many unforgettable friendships and crazy traveling experiences.
    • Moreover, our ProAct team organized a successful neighborhood festival for students in Bordeaux as well as introduced Chinese traditional culture to them.
    • At the same time, another school training Corporate Mission gave me access to connect a local company, XXXX.
    • Under the guidance of a professional coach and the director of this company, our team evaluated the company’s previous marketing performance, described potential customer profile, compared several suitable online platforms and drafted 2018 marketing budget.
    • Clearly, it is not facile to achieve tasks, such as dietary restrictions, linguistic politeness and disagreements among the group members; however, the problems I met prompted me to work to the fullest of my potential to understand the culture diversity and to improve my communication skill.
    • In a nutshell, I believe that my personal traits and the professional attitude I showed by these achievements and operational experience have made me prepared well for this position.

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English

  • Titel
  • Satz 1
    • At my sophomore, I got the first informal short-time intern at Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ( ICBC ), XXXX Sub-branch.
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    • AtDuring my sophomore, I got the year, I did my first informal short-time internship at Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ( ICBC ), XXXX Sub-branch.
    • AtDuring my sophomore, I got the first informal year at university, I received an appointment as a short-time intern at the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ( ICBC ), XXXX Sub-branch.
    • Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 1Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 1
  • Satz 2
    • During that busy four weeks, I assisted the credit manager with home interview and telephone survey over 50 clients and helped clients fill out personal information forms.
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    • During thatose busy four weeks, I assisted the credit manager with home interviews and telephone surveys of over 50 clients and helped clients to fill outin personal information forms.
    • During thata busy four -weeks period, I assisted the credit manager withconduct home interviews and telephone survey overs with more than 50 clients and helped clients fill out personal information forms.
    • Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 2Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 2
  • Satz 3
  • Satz 4
    • After passing the French Language test and the academic evaluation, nervously and expectedly, I came to the land of the beautiful country – France, where I amassed many unforgettable friendships and crazy traveling experiences.
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    • After passing the French Language test and the academic evaluation, nervously and expectedly, I came to the land of the beautiful country – France, where I amassforged many unforgettable friendships and crazyaccumulated memorable traveling experiences.
    • After passing the French Language testexam and the academic evaluation, I arrived, nervously and expectedntly, I came to the land of the beautiful country of France, where I amassestablished many unforgettable friendships and crazy traveling experiences.
    • Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 4Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 4
  • Satz 5
    • Moreover, our ProAct team organized a successful neighborhood festival for students in Bordeaux as well as introduced Chinese traditional culture to them.
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    • MoreoverWhat's more, our ProAct team organized a successful neighborhood festival for students in the region of Bordeaux as well asnd introduced Chinesethem to traditional culture to themChinese culture.
    • Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 5Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 5
  • Satz 6
    • At the same time, another school training Corporate Mission gave me access to connect a local company, XXXX.
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    • At the same time, another school training Corporate Mission gave me access to connect with a local company, XXXX.
    • At the same time, another school training Corporate Mission gave me access to connect a local company, XXXX.

      (note: I really cannot fathom the deeper "meaning" of this sentence, @ least not sufficiently to assist in editing it, which it obviously (still) needs)
    • Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 6Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 6
  • Satz 7
    • Under the guidance of a professional coach and the director of this company, our team evaluated the company’s previous marketing performance, described potential customer profile, compared several suitable online platforms and drafted 2018 marketing budget.
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    • Under the guidance of a professional coach and the director of this company, our team evaluated the company’s previous marketing performance, described potential customer profile, compared several suitable online platforms and drafted the 2018 marketing budget.
    • Under the guidance of a professional coach and the director of this company, our team evaluated the company’s previous marketing performance, describedfined the potential profiles of its customer profilbase, compared several suitable online platforms, and drafted its 2018 marketing budget.
    • Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 7Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 7
  • Satz 8
    • Clearly, it is not facile to achieve tasks, such as dietary restrictions, linguistic politeness and disagreements among the group members; however, the problems I met prompted me to work to the fullest of my potential to understand the culture diversity and to improve my communication skill.
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    • Clearly, it is not facile to achieve tasks, suchgood relationships are not facilitated by such elements as dietary restrictions, linguistic impoliteness and, nor disagreements among the group members; however, the problems I metencounterd prompted me to work to the fullest of my potential to understandappreciate the cultureal diversityfferences and to improve my communication skills.
    • Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 8Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 8
  • Satz 9
    • In a nutshell, I believe that my personal traits and the professional attitude I showed by these achievements and operational experience have made me prepared well for this position.
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    • In a nutshell, I believe that my personal traits and the professional attitude I showed by thesedemonstarted through my achievements and operational experience have maprovided me prepared wellwith excellent preparation for this position. ¶
    • Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 9Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 9