
Text from Allandr - English

    • My impressions after a book

    • The Forsyte Saga is truly the titanic masterpiece of the world literature.
    • I want to say about the literary style of Galsworthy. It's amazing!
    • Numerous paradoxes, irony, original views of the author upon his epoch, contemporaries, art, literature, politics all of this make us to smile and impress.
    • This story is about one family, which has become a symbol of developing capitalism.
    • The Forsyte produce nothing, they just profitably invest money.
    • Despite questionable moral principles Galsworthy likes his heroes and he doesn't condemn them.
    • New version "Romeo and Juliet" appears in such unromantic environment.
    • But now the story is more tragical.
    • Shakespeare's play seems happy fairytale after this work.
    • The novel -- consolidation of all universal thoughts for all mankind.
    • Each of us can recognize yourself into heroes and maybe to answer on important life questions.
    • The Forsyte Saga is one of those books, which demand to reread them.
  • This book isn't subservient to the course of time, but it determines the course of time.