
Text de - English

  • Hello

    • Hello every one my name is noor Iam from sudan i joined this program to himprove my english so ican be more confedent when i speak and contact and Iwould like to have some New differient friends.


  • Oració 1
    • Hello every one my name is noor Iam from sudan i joined this program to himprove my english so ican be more confedent when i speak and contact and Iwould like to have some New differient friends.
      Vota ara!
    • Hello every one my name is noor Iam from sudan i joined this program to himprove my eEnglish language so iI can be more confeident when i speak and contact and I would like to have some Nnew differient friends.
    • Hello every one m. My name is nNoor. I am from sSudan i. I joined this program to himprove my eEnglish, so iI can be more confeident when iI speak and contact. and I would like to have some Nnew differient friends.
    • Hello every one m. My name is nNoor Iand I'm from sSudan i. I joined this program to himprove my eEnglish so iI can be more confeident when iI speak. and contact and I would like to have some Nnew and differient friends.
    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1