
Testo da Marrrryam - English

  • It's a cause essay. Is it correct?

    • In recent decades, air pollution has been soared considerably.
  • It can result from both natural and human activities.
  • Natural events include whirlwinds, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and natural radioactivity.
    • In some cases, they are very disastrous and difficult to prevent from happening, but pollution from them isn't very often.
    • The other one is human activities that can cause serious problems.
    • The first one is burning fossil fuels that emit many pollutants such as, CO, SO2 and NOx in the environment.
    • Power plants combust a massive amount of fossil fuels such as gas and coal to generate electricity.
    • In addition, cars, trucks, airplanes, trains and the other vehicles burn lost of fossil fuels such as petroleum and gasoline to work, and emit harmful gases.
    • The second is emissions from industrial factories that evicted high amounts of CO, hydrocarbons and particulates.
    • Third, in agriculture, the use of pesticides and fertilizers have been risen in agriculture over last decades, and it causes ammonia based compands release increasingly in the air.
    • Next, many products that are used in our homes emited toxic chemicals.
    • For example, cleaning products, painting supplies, hair sprays and....
  • The last one is mining operations.
    • During a mining process that is contained drilling, extracting, blasting and transportation many chemicals such as CO, SO2, CH4 and other dust are released in the air.