
Text from thaochi01 - English

    • Talking about passive smoking

    • Everyone know smoking is bad for health, but many people continue to smoke.
    • They think that it’s their choice for their self, it doesn’t affect to anyone else. It isn’t?
    • I can confirm you “That’s wrong”.
    • Now I want to talk about one of many causes and I think it’s a main cause too.
    • It’s “Passive smoking”.
    • In definition, this is a form of inhale the smoke when you don’t smoke directly.
    • Many researches prove that this form have same affects than the direct smoking.
    • In the smoke, it has 4000 chemical substances including 40 that are arranged as type 1 of carcinogen by International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
    • That means these substances with a small quantity can also made cancer and many diseases about nerves, heart, endocrine, memory etc. Further the smoke can exist in air more than two hours even you don’t see or smell it.
    • It causes to pollute the environment.
    • WHO announced: “Each one hour, a person who lives in the room where have a chain-smoker, can have a cancer a hundred times more than he lives 20 years in the room where have arsenic pollution.
    • So, smoking is to kill yourself and people around you.
    • That make someone to be sick and die in injustice.
    • Quit smoking before it’s too late for you and for else.