
Tekst nga Ana_wise - English

  • In digital age museums are still important

    • The Internet has opened the gateway to the knowledge about history of the humanity in different periods of time.
    • Therefore, the question arises: should we attend the museums to get more information about our history, or they are not necessary already?
    • To my mind, the museums are still important part of people's education, and I believe that for two reasons.
    • First of all, studying of local history in museums can develop the sense of patriotism and ethnic self-consciousness.
    • And second reason is that in the museums you can see and even touch the real treasures of history's heritage.
  • However, some people might argue with my opinion.
  • They think that modern people have no time to go to the museum due to the fast paced life.
    • Moreover, people from countryside cannot afford to attend the museums because of the territory inaccessibility.
  • Anyway, I cannot agree with these arguments.
    • One should take into account the fact that in many countries there is a annual share called "Night of museums", which provides visiting any galleries at night, when you are not busy with your job (work?), for free.
    • Besides, with development of transport lines there are many fast and cheap ways to get to museum from suburban or countryside.
    • To sum up, I still believe that although there are many abilities to acquire knowledge about history distantly (for instance, via the Internet), people should not forget about cultural wealth of museums.
  • And as the famous Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov said: "People, who do not know their past, have no future".