
Text from johnask - English

  • Miths and Heroes

  • Introduction: To start with, in a general way, a myth is a fictitious character who is often represented as a hero in the eyes of the people.
  • Indeed, a hero is a human who is different from the average human beings.
  • The capacities of the hero are superior to the average but how to define the average?
  • We are going to wonder what is the hero in a general way and more specifically, why Sherlock Holmes can be considered a hero?
  • Keeping in mind the general idea that I have about a hero, I am going to try to explain why Sherlock Holmes is a hero for me I/ A hero generally: First,what is a hero?
  • According to my opinion a hero is the person who has the intellectual or physical abilities to serve the society.
  • Indeed, a hero has necessarily no great power and is not necessarily fictitious.
  • We Face heroes of all types everyday: the mail man who delivers us the mail in the morning, the baker who gives us the bread, the doctor who treats us, the police which protects us, or still the most important according to me because they allow us to learn: the teachers.
  • Naturally, it can appear strange coach according to the ideas that are made people, the heroes are necessarily Men or women who developed the muscle and having great power as Fly, to throw the fire, forsee the future etc. … But the definition of a hero for me is wider and much more open.
  • For me, the society possesses millions of heroes who help us in our everyday life.
  • As I said it previously, the workers are heroes for me, I know that every working person lasts to earns his or hers salary, helps the society and this makes a hero out of that person.
  • Here is the personal definition of a hero which can seem strange but which is according to me the rather truthful.
  • Well on, the characters fictitious as spiderman, superman, to wonder woman, batman, are heroes but they are also fictitious and for me, the strongest heroes, are present in the real life.
  • II/ Is Sherlock Holmes a hero ?
  • Besides, during year, we had been studying a fictitious character particularly amazing according to me.
  • Indeed, Sherlock Holmes is a full character of the society.
  • It’s certain that a character as this one cannot exist in the real life but we can classify it all the same as the category of the fictitious heroes.
  • It’s someone who has an impressive intellectual capacity and a capacity of analysis superior to the average and it’s for me, qualities of a hero that Sherlock possesses.
  • Indeed, it’s someone who helps the investigators, and he saves plenty of lives by using his capacity to be deducted from things at people and it is not ordinary capacities.
  • Furthermore, it’s someone very mysterious and he can make, in a short time, full list of information on a person whom he has just met.
  • That's why I would classify him in the category of the fictitious heroes.
  • Nevertheless, we could however think it is not a hero because it is all the same somebody who likes crimes and who adores stopping serial killer.
  • Sherlock has no limit and we can see him in particular in the first episode of the series with the serial killer who killed people by giving them a poison.
  • He agreed to meet the challenges and to take the pill with the killer.
  • That's why to consider it one heroin can be disputed but according to me, we can say all the same that it’s a hero because he makes the happiness around him for a major of his time.
  • Conclusion: To conclude, I mean that the vision of a hero at people can vary but she can also vary at the same person according to the age which she has.
  • Indeed, when we are small, a hero are the ones that we see on the television as spiderman or superman but when we grow up, this vision of things changes.
  • Indeed, the definition becomes wider and vaster.
  • Heroin is more the one only has great power but the one who helps the others and who serves the population thanks to its work.
  • For me, a hero it’s the person who helps people, who saves them, who teaches them and who advise them without having super-powers.


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
    • Introduction: To start with, in a general way, a myth is a fictitious character who is often represented as a hero in the eyes of the people.
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  • Sentence 2
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  • Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
    • Keeping in mind the general idea that I have about a hero, I am going to try to explain why Sherlock Holmes is a hero for me I/ A hero generally: First,what is a hero?
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 5ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 5
  • Sentence 6
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  • Sentence 8
    • We Face heroes of all types everyday: the mail man who delivers us the mail in the morning, the baker who gives us the bread, the doctor who treats us, the police which protects us, or still the most important according to me because they allow us to learn: the teachers.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 8ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 8
  • Sentence 9
    • Naturally, it can appear strange coach according to the ideas that are made people, the heroes are necessarily Men or women who developed the muscle and having great power as Fly, to throw the fire, forsee the future etc. … But the definition of a hero for me is wider and much more open.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 9ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 9
  • Sentence 10
  • Sentence 11
    • As I said it previously, the workers are heroes for me, I know that every working person lasts to earns his or hers salary, helps the society and this makes a hero out of that person.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 11
  • Sentence 12
  • Sentence 13
    • Well on, the characters fictitious as spiderman, superman, to wonder woman, batman, are heroes but they are also fictitious and for me, the strongest heroes, are present in the real life.
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  • Sentence 17
    • It’s certain that a character as this one cannot exist in the real life but we can classify it all the same as the category of the fictitious heroes.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 17ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 17
  • Sentence 18
    • It’s someone who has an impressive intellectual capacity and a capacity of analysis superior to the average and it’s for me, qualities of a hero that Sherlock possesses.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 18ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 18
  • Sentence 19
    • Indeed, it’s someone who helps the investigators, and he saves plenty of lives by using his capacity to be deducted from things at people and it is not ordinary capacities.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 19ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 19
  • Sentence 20
    • Furthermore, it’s someone very mysterious and he can make, in a short time, full list of information on a person whom he has just met.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 20ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 20
  • Sentence 21
  • Sentence 22
    • Nevertheless, we could however think it is not a hero because it is all the same somebody who likes crimes and who adores stopping serial killer.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 22ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 22
  • Sentence 23
    • Sherlock has no limit and we can see him in particular in the first episode of the series with the serial killer who killed people by giving them a poison.
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  • Sentence 24
  • Sentence 25
    • That's why to consider it one heroin can be disputed but according to me, we can say all the same that it’s a hero because he makes the happiness around him for a major of his time.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 25ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 25
  • Sentence 26
    • Conclusion: To conclude, I mean that the vision of a hero at people can vary but she can also vary at the same person according to the age which she has.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 26ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 26
  • Sentence 27
    • Indeed, when we are small, a hero are the ones that we see on the television as spiderman or superman but when we grow up, this vision of things changes.
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    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 27ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 27
  • Sentence 28
  • Sentence 29
  • Sentence 30
    • For me, a hero it’s the person who helps people, who saves them, who teaches them and who advise them without having super-powers.
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