
Text z vixsa - English

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    • "Health is like a song, your body is the tone, your mind is the lyric, your heart is the beat, your spirit is the melody, and they all must be played in perfect harmony".
    • In health body, healthy spirit.
  • Being healthy means being happy and successful.
  • Our health is like a beautiful song, which we are creating.
    • I strongly believe that it is impossible to be completely healthy, if one of the systems of our body is not healthy.
  • The song consists of many elements: melody, beat, lyric and tone.
    • Just like the song our health depends on many parts of our body.
    • If only one of them is unhealthy our organism will not be strong and powerful.
  • Our body is an external indicator of the health.
    • It is known, in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.
  • So, our body and our mind are interrelated.
    • They create a single music of our health.
  • The heart creates a beat of our body.
    • With beating hearts, our organism works.
  • It sets the rhythm of our health and our life.
  • Spirit plays a big role in our health.
  • If a person is depressed he won’t be healthy.
    • Only a man with powerful spirit can gain stress immunity.
    • All this components are parts of a beautiful, healthy song.
  • This song will be sung for a long time if only you keep it in a tone of words, music and beat.
  • "Write what democracy means to you".
  • Democracy is a state of life when people feel that everything happening around makes them happy.
    • Democracy is a utopia, when everyone feels absolutely satisfied by the politics, level of living.
  • For me, democracy is indeed a set of ideals and principles about freedom.
    • It represents a set of decision making institutions that incarnate respect for equal worth of all citizens.
  • Democracy is more likely to protect the rights of the relatively powerless in society.
  • It is what I would call a type of system or people who compete for power.
    • Democracy is something we can actually exercise our civil duty directly.
    • I agree with the statement of Abraham Lincoln: “democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”