
Сообщение от Pratzo - English

  • short text + essay: outsourcing

  • What do you think?
    • :) • Describe some of the problems that might appear when companies offshore their business to countries like India.
    • (Short text, ~ 75 words) One problem for sure, is the different culture, language or rather the accent those people from India have.
    • Americans are very patriot and prefer to speak with a citizen rather than speak to an Indian guy with a foreign accent.
    • The culture regarding workload and time where a task has to be done has another since due to the local climate environment.
    • No one wants to do anything by a heat of 35°C to 40°C among the shades early in the afternoon.
    • • What considerations might move companies to outsource or offshore parts of their business and what might make them refrain from doing so?
    • (~ 250-300 words) A chairman has to consider a lot of advantages and disadvantages if its company outsources or offshores parts of its departments.
    • Today most common outsourced parts of a company are those parts where time costs really money and the turnover has to become higher.
  • For example - call centers.
    • Right out of dozens companies, is Dell the one how has made the decision to move their service call center for German business customers to the capital of Bulgaria named Sofia.
  • Dell profits from the lower labor costs in Bulgaria compared to the costs in Germany.
  • Due to the fact that the labor market offers enough well educated but unemployed people in Bulgaria, is it simple for Dell to get by with the employees.
  • Dell is a hardware and software developer.
  • The service issue is not its main core competency.
    • By outsourcing it, they got the option to refocus on their main business.
    • All companies have to fear, that they lose the total influence of their service provider.
    • Because in the most of the cases, is a third independent party responsible for the service part.
    • As a barrier to face is the language and culture of a foreign country.
  • The security in a foreign country can become an issue too.
    • Above all, the decision for or against a movement of a department has to consider all important facts, moral/responsibility adverse to the home labor market and the sum of cost savings should fit as a whole concept.

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