
Text from Nando1980 - English

    • Can you help me, please? daily rutine(2)

    • After taking my car, a bus and the subway, I arrive to my company.
    • I start to work at 14.00pm and I stay there for about 7 hours.
    • An important thing that I have to do when I start to work is to check the phone line because we received in this line all the customers calls and if it didn´t work properly we would have to sort it out immediately.
    • The best part of my job is meeting foreign people that want to know how they can arrive anywhere.
    • It is interesting to me because I can practice and improve my languages.
    • I arrive at home at 22.00pm.
    • I take my dog for a walk again and I take something soft to dinner.
    • When I finish I relax by reading a book or watching TV and I'm usually in bed at 12.30.