
Text from Dayuna - English

    • Mail to an angel

    • Dear Georges, Following our phone conversation, I am writting to further explain you my start up’s concept : Limitless.
  • For two years, my partner and I are planning to create a new educational path.
    • We are working with a team of three engineers ; Helen, Marc and Fabien.
    • Helen is an english architect who will assume the construction and redevelopment of our new premise,, Marc is an economist, he used to be professor at Science PO, and now he will be involved in the financial part of the start up.
    • Finally, Fabien is a french research professor at CNRS, he will assume the most important part of the start-up : the formation.
    • This job is to set the school up, but this will also include monitoring of our students all along of their formation.
    • According to me, a start up needs a strong leading group, which knows how to work together, thing that we are doing successfully.
    • My partern and I trust them, and we have no doubt for the quality of their work.
    • The big point : what exactly is our start up concept ?
  • We’re creating a society which forms young poeple during three years, and employ them.
    • On the one hand, this allows us to to know exactly who we are employing and what we can except from them.
    • This school would make them become a « modern superhero » : they would speak at minimum 3 languages, they would be good at sport, and they would know how to adapt theirselves at any circumstances.
    • Currently lots of young people don’t know what to choose for their future : we want to give them an opportunity to study, without having to choose a speciality.
    • We consider that the current education system is too specific : you cannot study a particular discipline, without study those which are associated, you cannot turn back if you realize you don’t like this discipline.
    • We would be the first one to offer a real large field of education.
  • That’s why our start up will rise in a good moment.
    • We’re convinced that lots of teenagers will find at Limitless what they were looking for and they won’t hesitate to come as soon as they will know we can assure them a job.
  • We will do a communication campaign through the world and then we will launch the school.
    • From our childhood we share the same beleives, and I am sure that if we had the opportunity to do this kind of school, we would have take it, this is the reason I am coming to you.
    • Kindest Regards, Mathilde