
Text from Symmons - English

  • Thursday 22nd February

  • I was with an agency driver from NEL today.
  • He took unusual routes all day to get to the stores.
    • We had an issue at Wellingborough, he hits a van parked on the pavement and snapped off the passenger mirror and damaged the front bumper as he turned to get positioned.
  • A witness reported the incident to the store employee.
    • He wouldn't take more than two of the empty cage aswell so the woman behind the till rang for that.
    • He finally has taken them and we drove off.
    • We went back to the main road where the accident has happened and saw the owner.
    • Ioann dropped off the truck and went to meet him, he explained the situation and how he managed to do that.
  • I took some photos of the damaged van as his phone's camera wasn't working.
    • After he wrote down the van's owner registration he phoned his boss and I had tell him the circumstances of the accident as Ioann could not speak english properly.
    • Sean wasn't very happy with him because he hasn't reported the accident to the office.
    • Also he didn't stripped the rubishs as he was confused about his driving hours on the tacograph.
  • I filled the collision report form for him as Sean asked me to do so.
  • His boss rang me again when we were at the Marstons shops to tell me to inform the insurance of the situation.
    • So I have reported the accident over the phone while he was doing the delivery.
    • A man on the phone was asking me several questions including a lots of details regarding what was damaged on the van, how it was parked, weather condition, driver's sleeping hours, localisation, circumstances, etc His second mistake for his big finish was to parked on the road just by the second Marston shop and hold the traffic, buses included.
    • Soon a long queuing of vehicules built up on the roundabout.


  • Otsikko
  • Lause 1
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  • Lause 3
    • We had an issue at Wellingborough, he hits a van parked on the pavement and snapped off the passenger mirror and damaged the front bumper as he turned to get positioned.
      Äänestä nyt!
    • We had an issue at Wellingborough, he hits a van parked on the pavement and snapped off the passenger mirror and damaged the front bumper as he turned to get positioned.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Lause 3ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Lause 3
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  • Lause 8
    • Ioann dropped off the truck and went to meet him, he explained the situation and how he managed to do that.
      Äänestä nyt!
    • ILoann dropped off the truck and went to meet him, he explained the situation and how he managed to do twhat he did.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Lause 8ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Lause 8
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  • Lause 10
    • After he wrote down the van's owner registration he phoned his boss and I had tell him the circumstances of the accident as Ioann could not speak english properly.
      Äänestä nyt!
    • AfLater, he wrote down the van's owner's registration heand phoned his boss and. I had to tell him the circumstances of the accident as ILoann could non't speak eEnglish properly.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Lause 10ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Lause 10
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  • Lause 12
    • Also he didn't stripped the rubishs as he was confused about his driving hours on the tacograph.
      Äänestä nyt!
    • AlsoIn addition to that, he didn't stripped the rubbishs as he was confus because he was distracted about his driving hours on the tacograph.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Lause 12ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Lause 12
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    • A man on the phone was asking me several questions including a lots of details regarding what was damaged on the van, how it was parked, weather condition, driver's sleeping hours, localisation, circumstances, etc His second mistake for his big finish was to parked on the road just by the second Marston shop and hold the traffic, buses included.
      Äänestä nyt!
    • A man on the phone was asking me several questions including a lots of details regarding what was damageds on the van, how it was parked, the weather conditions, the driver's sleeping hours, the localisation, the circumstances, etc His second mistake for his big finish was to parked on the road just by the second Marston shop and hold the traffic, busses included.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Lause 16ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Lause 16
  • Lause 17