
Κείμενο από Symmons - English

  • January review

  • I would start this review by saying: the good news is, at least it will be hard to have worse months.
    • It has been a harsh beginning of the year as I had to outmantle several disappointments and unsucessfull events.
    • Effectivelly misfortune happened this month with the following mishaps: I had to clear a debit card payment that was expensive, I did't used my trading alerts on time so I lost money, I realized Better Gym was still charging me, I failed my driving test, I was almost scammed by a modelling agency, my relationship ended up and I had a sickness and overeating period.
    • The main event this month is Bernard's death, he died the last day of January in the afternoon, Eric and him were mutually happy to see each other shortly before his death.
    • An incredibly high among of people were present for the funeral.
    • Nadèje has broken down with me which was probably the hardest challenge for me to overcome.
    • She cheated and was drunk on a gig she went with some friends and slept with someone.