
Text od Kristi1712 - English

  • Translation

    • They have just seen off their relatives to the station. So have we.
    • On Sunday we dined out. So did we.
    • I prefer the beefsteak a bit underdone.
  • So does my brother.
  • They were bored to death by his story. So were we.
    • Laziness is unforgivable, so is ignorance.
  • Her son is disobedient. So is mine.
  • That’s my final decision.
    • I hope, so is yours.
    • Our fellow passangers turned out to be sociable and nice people. So did ours.
    • Ricardo had met the Gadfly before and thought him rather odd.
  • Gudy considered herself totally ignorant in a great deal of things.
  • When Jack first saw Lady Gwendolen he found her absolutely charming.
    • Hurstwood didn’t find Carrie enough talented for the scene, but considered the idea of earnin one’s life in such a way was quite sensible.
    • Posemary thought her action quite noble and daring.
    • Ross thought all the Americans sociable and the English unhospitable.
    • He sincerely believed his work very useful.
  • From the other end of the table Andrew watched Charles Ivory operating.
  • Tom and Becky saw the light glimmering through a small opening in the cave.
  • Everybody standing on the deck watched the sunset.
    • I can’t ikagine him doing/going in for/practising sports.
  • We saw you shaking hands with him.
    • A poor wae extremely astonished when he heard Beuton offering him a job.
    • Gemma has never stopped blaming herself Arthur’s death.
  • Soon people began coming in groups.
    • He never managed to give up smoking and finally ruined his health.
  • The captain all of a sudden stopped talking and began studying a map.
    • Stop treating him like a little disobedient boy.
  • The children were not allowed to go to the lake by themselves.
  • But once they had their own way and went there without saying a word to anyone.
    • On the way home they nearly lost their way.
    • Fortunately they met an old forester who helped them get home.
    • She told about it cheerfully, in that charming way of hers.
    • Not having said a word, he made his way to the door.
  • I don’t know these places, could you please lead the way there?
  • What way out do you suggest?
    • I’m afraid, the table will be in your way here.
    • Having entered the hall, she looked about and made her way to the mirrow.
    • She got hold of my hand in order not to fall.
    • We were going down the river holding on to branches of the trees.
    • The whole evening the boy wasn’t losing hold of his toy.
    • The sick man was so weak that he lost hold of the cup and it broke to pieces.
    • The children in the next room were making an awful noise and he couldn’t make himself concentrate on the letter no matter how he tried.
    • Of course, he could make them go to the garden, but he didn’t want his wife know that children were in the way.
    • Very anxious, he was searching the way out of unpleasant situation but couldn’t make up his mind.
  • Mum is very anxious about your health. So am I.
  • She was heavily made-up and the way she spoke and laughed attracted everyone’s attention.
  • “I always knew some ways of getting rich.
    • But but the way for me is a problem how to keep hold of the money”.
    • The elderly passenger kept on talking much, in the same way of his, for the pleasure/entertainment of all those travelling in the train.
    • Mr. Webbwore high heels for making up his short stature.
    • You can’t always have your kwn way.
  • If you behave like this, you’ll have a lot of enemies.
    • When we arrived, the house ws already full.
    • In several minutes the curtain went up and all eyes were lookoing at the stage.
    • The scenery ws very simple in black, grey and white colours.
    • In this background the bright costumes of the actors seemed very impressive.
    • The cast of the play wasn’t bad, and tbe leading man’s acting ws magnificent.
    • When he wass on the stage, the attention of the audience was concentrated on him and his acting.
    • During the famous scene feom the third act there was a death-like silence.
    • The spectacors were stunned.
  • Many of them wept.
    • Besides, the scene ws lighted marvellously.
    • The director used the lighting to heighten the impression of the actors’ performance.
    • When after the final scene thee curtain went down, there came a long lasting pause, and then came a storm of applause.