
Text from vlad_kalch - English

    • I'm tried to make as less mistakes, as I can. Did I succeeded?

    • First attemt to start a daylife diary and build habit to write at least few sentences per day.
    • Looks like a good practice and it already started with few mistakes.
    • I have wote the word "February" with "y" instead of "u" when I have wrote the date. Great job, me!
    • So let us begin.
    • Today my neighbour has found a funny fact.
    • Here, in Kharkiv, we doesn't have a "night" during summertime.
    • Te reason is that "night" begins when Sun sets down below eighteen degrees of "true horizon".
    • Kharkiv is located at fiftieth attitude witch means that in summer Sun never falls below that mark of "night", so "night" actually does not come.
    • This is true for every place higher than forty-eight attitude in the Northen Hemisphere. Funny indeed.
    • I'm asking you to tell me, if I used a wrong tenses or words, or how could I use them better for the situation.
    • Thanks in advance.