
Tekst van Adrian_200 - English

  • What machines do you use everyday in your life?

    • First thing that I want single out is for sure a car.
  • I can reach destinations, do shoping, commute to work.
    • It's unreplacable item.
  • It's such an easy choose that I stop explaining right now.
    • Another important machine is wasching machine.
    • It was possible live without it but much harder.
    • It helps save time meaningful.
  • Computer and mobile phone are also vital items.
  • You can't do without them.
  • It's also a simple case.
    • I can't imagine live without gas cooker.
  • You have to eat to live.
    • In the kitchen absolutely must be a fridge with refrigerator.
  • To hygiene we also need washbasins, toilets and showers.
    • Device which I don't have but I should have is a dishwasher.
  • Teenagers can't live without TV set, and games consoles but for me it's unnecessary.
  • However I can't help checking my phone.
  • I probably should limit it.