
Tekst nga Tsts - English

  • The Worst Hotel Ever

    • When I arrived, the elevator probably had been broken down a hundred years ago and no one cared about it, so I had to take my luggage up to the room by myself.
    • At first, I was disappointed that the room was too small and uncomfortable but then I realized that it was maybe one of the best room in the hotel because of a fine view of the sea.
    • The breakfasts were cold and not tasty, in addition, the hotel staff was so unfriendly that when I asked for a fork to a waitress, she nearly hurt my husband by throwing it to me across the room.
    • The hitting was on day and night although the daytime temperature could climb to 20 degrees Celsius.
    • I tried to complain about it a few times but nobody went to fix the heating up.
  • And if you want to know the worst thing that happened to me in this terrible hotel.
  • After the rain water started running down the walls, which was unbearable, but after changing the room I was demanded to pay for the extra space of my new one.


  • Title
  • Fjalia 1
    • When I arrived, the elevator probably had been broken down a hundred years ago and no one cared about it, so I had to take my luggage up to the room by myself.
      Votoni tani!
    • When I arrived, the elevator probably had been broken down for a hundred years ago and no one cared about it, so I had to takecarry my luggage up to the room by myself.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 1SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 1
  • Fjalia 2
    • At first, I was disappointed that the room was too small and uncomfortable but then I realized that it was maybe one of the best room in the hotel because of a fine view of the sea.
      Votoni tani!
    • At first, I was disappointed that the room was too small and uncomfortable but then I realized that it was maybe one of the best rooms in the hotel because of a fine view tof the sea.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 2SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 2
  • Fjalia 3
    • The breakfasts were cold and not tasty, in addition, the hotel staff was so unfriendly that when I asked for a fork to a waitress, she nearly hurt my husband by throwing it to me across the room.
      Votoni tani!
    • The breakfasts were cold and not tasty, in addition, the hotel staff was so unfriendly that when I asked for a fork to a waitressa waitress for a fork, she nearly hurt my husband by throwing it to me across the room.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 3SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 3
  • Fjalia 4
  • Fjalia 5
  • Fjalia 6
  • Fjalia 7
    • After the rain water started running down the walls, which was unbearable, but after changing the room I was demanded to pay for the extra space of my new one.
      Votoni tani!
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 7SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 7