Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Văn bản từ Marcomata - English

  • Answering to the famous

  • Hi everyone.
    • This is a little answer about How I will response to the question "Tell me about yourself" in a job interview.
    • I will thank you for your corrections "Well right now, I can consider myself as an English teacher.
    • I have been working in Education field for about 1 year.
    • I am used to teach the language to adults and children from 6 to 11 years old.
    • My last work place was an elementary school called Instituto Andersen which I quitted two months ago.
    • Before that I taught History for teenegers and adults in a project called Coordinación de Asesorias Educativas, which was supported by political local leaders within my community.
    • Actually this was my first opportunity as teacher.
  • The project's goal was basically helping people to get their high school diploma.
    • I think that that was a turning point in my professional life because it was the first time that I had to demonstrate my capability like a speaker, being that staying in front of a large crowd explaining a subject might be a little uncomfortable for anyone, so that's why you need to be prepared.
  • Both jobs gave me the experience to develop my communication skills to a higher level , because right now I can figure out something really important: the better the communication the better the results

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English

  • Tiêu đề
  • câu 1
  • câu 2
    • This is a little answer about How I will response to the question "Tell me about yourself" in a job interview.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • This is a littleshort answer about How I will responsed to the question "Tell me about yourself" in a job interview.
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  • câu 3
    • I will thank you for your corrections "Well right now, I can consider myself as an English teacher.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I will thank youful for your corrections¶

      "Well right now, I can consider myself as an English teacher.
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  • câu 6
    • My last work place was an elementary school called Instituto Andersen which I quitted two months ago.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • My last work place was an elementary school called Institutoe Andersen which I quitted two months ago.
    • My last work place was in an elementary school ,called Institutoe Andersen whichbut I quitted two months ago.
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  • câu 7
    • Before that I taught History for teenegers and adults in a project called Coordinación de Asesorias Educativas, which was supported by political local leaders within my community.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Before that I taught History for teeneagers and adults in a project called Coordinación de Asesorias Educativas, which was supported by local political local leaders within my community.
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    • I think that that was a turning point in my professional life because it was the first time that I had to demonstrate my capability like a speaker, being that staying in front of a large crowd explaining a subject might be a little uncomfortable for anyone, so that's why you need to be prepared.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I think that, that was a turning point in my professional life because it was the first time that I had to demonstrate my capability like a speaker, beknowing that staying in front of a large crowd and explaining a subject might be a little uncomfortable for anyone, so that's why you need to be prepared.
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  • câu 11
    • Both jobs gave me the experience to develop my communication skills to a higher level , because right now I can figure out something really important: the better the communication the better the results
      Bầu chọn ngay!
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