從Manonsrz來的文本 - English

  • Smart devices

  • Today, we have to note the ubiquity of technology, we leave some data wherever we go.
    • This phenomenon rise with development of smart devices such as pacemaker, fitbit, Amazon Echoes...
  • So many pieces of evidence that could undermine alibis or testimonials .
  • It's a formidable weapon for investigators.
    • The investigation are already different today compared to ten years ago : police can prove a crime with a smart device.
    • Everybody is connected so it's most esier today to discover what the suspect did on the day of the crime.
  • We can expect less of outstanding files.
    • Moreover, the work of police is also keeped under surveillance : there are cameras in police stations, and we could imagine a sensor inside police guns in order to know the use of firearms, and their location.
    • In England, a system is used to predict the probability that a delinquent reoffends, hinge on gravity of the offense that he commited and antecedents.
    • A lot of predictive softwares could see the light of day in the coming years even in France.
    • Smart devices come to the fore an important issue for right to privacy.
  • All the comings and goings are scrutinised.
    • The technical means that are smart device don't let almost place for doubt in investigator's mind while they aren't always reliable.
  • So, this could cause judicial errors.
  • Without backing down, we have to regulate specially the possibility to use smart devices.
    • It will be necessary to educate new generation to make young people fully aware of everything they do with new technologies is recorded.
  • This acquaintance is essential because the opposite would be an hurdle for privacy.
    • Indeed, when some cities install cameras in their streets, a sign inform people.
  • Indeed, the goal musn't be to trick people.
    • The warning participate to dissuasion.
    • It would be urgent to recruit more persons to analyse data because research of evidences by way of new technologies will increase more and more.
    • But it should provide for a safeguard for instance disciplinary measures if these persons handle data unfairly.
  • Indeed, it could be tempting to use data of all persons even if there is a tiny risk that she is implicated.
    • To verify by the way of smart devices is more simple, but if we don't limit this, we harm without scruples privacy of innocent persons.
  • So, we have to limit this to fishy people.
  • Plenty of criminals could play with the smart devices to mock reality and to create for theirselves fake alibis.
    • Thus, policers will must to be more cunning than smart devices.

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