
Text von Altynbek - English

  • abstract

  • ABSTRACT Dissertation volume: the work consists of an introduction, three chapters of conclusion, the list of sources and application used.
  • The work is explained in the 141 sheet and is accompanied with 8 tables, 3 figures, and 12 applications.
  • Keywords: younger students, school disadaptation, pedagogical correction, psychological follow-up, personal development, self-esteem.
  • Research objective is to substantiate the effectiveness of using the principles, methods and techniques of psychological and pedagogical correction and psychological follow-up of children with the school disadaptation phenomena.
  • Research tasks is to analyze the literature on the problems of school disadaptation; to give clear definition to "disadaptation"; to show the socio-psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a school disadaptation; to reveal the role of psychological and pedagogical correction and psychological follow-up of children; to substantiate the methods of research of school disadaptation problems, and relying on that to upon which to build and test correction methods, to generalize results of the experiment.
  • The target object of research is the process of psychological follow-up of school adaptation of primary school pupils The subject of research is psychological and pedagogical correction methods and psychological follow-up of children with school disadaptation problems.
  • Research methods: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem; psychological-pedagogical experiment: observation, questioning, testing, interviews, and analysis of practical work; generalization of pedagogical experience.
  • The provisions for the defense: 1.
  • Psycho-pedagogical correction forms and methods which promote the removal to disadaptation removal problems in the early school years. 2.
  • Psycho-pedagogical correction methods have a positive impact on the personal and intellectual children development of primary school age.

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English

  • Titel
  • Satz 1
  • Satz 2
  • Satz 3
  • Satz 4
    • Research objective is to substantiate the effectiveness of using the principles, methods and techniques of psychological and pedagogical correction and psychological follow-up of children with the school disadaptation phenomena.
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    • Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 4Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 4
  • Satz 5
    • Research tasks is to analyze the literature on the problems of school disadaptation; to give clear definition to "disadaptation"; to show the socio-psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a school disadaptation; to reveal the role of psychological and pedagogical correction and psychological follow-up of children; to substantiate the methods of research of school disadaptation problems, and relying on that to upon which to build and test correction methods, to generalize results of the experiment.
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    • Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 5Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 5
  • Satz 6
    • The target object of research is the process of psychological follow-up of school adaptation of primary school pupils The subject of research is psychological and pedagogical correction methods and psychological follow-up of children with school disadaptation problems.
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    • Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 6Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 6
  • Satz 7
    • Research methods: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem; psychological-pedagogical experiment: observation, questioning, testing, interviews, and analysis of practical work; generalization of pedagogical experience.
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    • Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 7Füge eine neue Korrektur hinzu! - Satz 7
  • Satz 8
  • Satz 9
  • Satz 10