
Text de - English

  • Hi

    • All people think you don't have dream that i think.???? If you talking your self you can know what you want do and what you have any plan for your life so Listen you self and Leave talked people to destroy you. . ????????


  • Oració 1
    • All people think you don't have dream that i think.???? If you talking your self you can know what you want do and what you have any plan for your life so Listen you self and Leave talked people to destroy you. . ????????
      Vota ara!
    • All people think you don't have the dream that i thinkI have.????¶
      If you talk
      ing to your self you can know what you want to do and wthat you have any plans for your life so Llisten to you rself and Lleave
      talkedhose people who try to destroy you. . ????????
    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1