
Teks daripada skittlse - English

  • About Myself

    • All English school books usually talk about a boy, who want to introduse and to talk about himself and his family.
    • He usually a student, And to the surprise, his parents are always an engineer and teacher.
    • I don,t know why it is so, probably because the engineer is a masculine and technical profession, and the teacher is female and humanitarian.
    • Maybe it is about the person, who thought up the stories.
    • Maybe it's such a standard or it has little imagination.
    • The narrator does not specify exactly which engineer and what the teacher.
  • Apparently, the narrator is not interested about this trifle.
  • Then begins the story about pets.
  • Usually it's a dog.
    • Not a parrot, not a turtle and not a fish, It is usually a dog with some kind of nickname like Tim or Jim, why does not he have some kind of intricate name like "Fang" or like "Fluffy wolf".
    • It's unclear why, but usually it's Tim orJim, and it's not a parrot or a turtle.
    • The narrator is usually an athlete, he plays basketball and windsurfing.
  • It's unclear where the boy finds a spot for windsurfing?
  • This is also the author's secret.
    • He is already an adult and is going to enter the university, but in the footsteps of his parents it is clearly not going to go.
    • He does not want to be a teacher, not an engineer.
  • He wants to become a journalist or an interpreter.
    • Here's the fairy tale end.