
Тэкст ад ciao46 - English

  • Diving

    • I used to diving when I was young with my cousin.
  • We loved spending hours in the water exploring and mapping the complex system of underwater caves.
    • Once, we went to Mallorca on holiday and we couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend most of the time doing our favourite sport.
    • So I slipped into the water with my dive buddy and swam for a long time until we realised our guideline, a narrow line wire which led back to the entrance, had slipped.
  • We had consumed the air we had brought to get in and out as well as most of our emergency air.
    • We were in danger so we got to a chamber with an air pocket to talk about to do.
    • As my cousin was skinnier than me and needed less air for breathing, we decided he would be go for help and I would've been in the cave struggling with the high carbon dioxide level.
    • When he left me by my own I felt fear.
  • I could've died there waiting for nothing.
    • I realised there was a small lake with drinkable water into the chamber.
  • I sat down near it and tried to sleep, but I couldn't.
    • Sleeping would have been the best thing to do, but I was too nervous and the lacking of enough oxygen made it even more difficult.
    • As time went on I gave up hope and I started to have allucinationes.
    • I believed too see a demon came to me and told me: "Come with me, you have been bad in your life, your place is with me now ".
    • In the meantime my cousin managed to raise the alarm and some rescuers had come to look for me in the cave.
  • Their efforts had been hampered by poor visibility, but they found me and saved my life at the end.
  • I turned back on diving, I even visited the chamber were I was stuck for so long.
  • Diving is my life and my blood is made by water sea.