
Тэкст ад maria_prot - English

  • Stay Healthy at Work

    • This is a post mostly for people who work at the office but still want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep in shape.
    • Just think for a second that about a half of your waking hours you spend at workplace - it's a lot.
    • Even if your work is not too stressful, your daily routine impacts on your health: sitting at a desk all day, looking down at monitor.. and yes, those colleague's birthday cakes are not good environment for staying fit.
    • Here are 5 healthy habits that I started to follow to keep healthy at my work: 1.
    • Take the stairs instead of the elevator For sure, it depends on your office building but I often see how people at my work take an elevator for moving from 2nd floor to 3rd - too lazy.
    • So do I sometimes as the habit is strong.
    • During the office day we don't have enough activity and climbing the stairs is a great opportunity to exercise.
    • So make the right choice! 2.
    • Keep healthy snacks at your desk If you're trying to eat healthy, it's essential to eat throughout the day to boost your metabolism.
  • Having healthy snacks on hand at the office is a good habit that can really help in this.
    • Moreover when you have some fruits, raw nuts or crispbread at your desk, you can much easier to say "no" for all birthday donuts and avoid buying some unwanted stuff from vending machine.
    • You are always prepared for a snack attack. 3.
    • Drink a lot of water Don't forget to stay hydrated throughout the day.
    • Nowadays most offices have water coolers, so this becomes easy to drink enough.
  • WATER, no coffee.
    • The easiest way to remember about that is to have a bottle at your desk and fill it few times during the day. 4.
    • Take quick breaks for physical activity The true break is not that one when you watch Instagram stories or checking Facebook.
    • Get up and move, and even better is to find 5 minutes to go outside for breathing fresh air (climbing the stairs, of course).
    • Also you can search some stretching exercises for toning up your body during sitting all day long. 5.
    • Look after your posture Keeping good posture is a big and important topic for other discussion.
    • Here I just motivate you to remember about the pose you working all day long.
  • Uncross your legs and keep your feet on the ground.
  • It will help your spine to remain straight.
    • These easy tips really can benefit me on daily basis.
    • Do you have some healthy office habits?