
Text from hugnome - English

  • Interview

  • • My name is *****.
  • I am 21 years old and I come from ****** near the **** valley in ****.
    • However I live in ***** during my internship period.
    • I have been enthusiastic since childhood about the outdoors and ridings sports like climbing, paragliding, hiking and of course skiing and snowboarding.
    • I will also participate in an introduction to mountaineering in June at Chamonix Mont-Blanc thanks to the alpine ******.
    • • I am currently in a second years of material sciences and engineering degree in the university of Savoie.
  • This training has allowed me to acquire a wide knowledge relative to the characteristics and technical use of materials.
    • We mainly studied plastics, composites and metals; however we never learned sciences about textiles.
  • (These characteristics allow me to integrate all teams of design office, Research and development, production, testing and quality control.) • I participated in many school activities, which widened my horizons and gave me opportunities to do internships with 2 companies.
    • All of this was very useful during my formation.
    • During this period, I have learnt much.
    • I have learned the values of teamwork and commitment, how to work hard, how to concentrate and focus on goals, and how to balance my time and priorities.
    • The passing 3 months have offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, and my diligence.
    • • I am seeking an opportunity to integrate your course.
    • It will conciliate my objectives and my desire.
  • My professional experience and my awareness of your unparalleled reputation have led me to want to learn with you.
    • More than that, I’m already in contact with the ***** service of ****** for the next year and be really motivate for this course.
    • • Finally, I think I have a lot of things to add in this course and many more to log, I have a lot of idea for further.
    • This year I did a presentation about “bamboo clothings” and I inquired about Innovating clothing.
    • Doing it, showed me I’m really determined and objective about my desire to work in this industry • Asset: I am motivate, enthusiastic and dynamic.
    • I confident about my choice to integrate this training.
    • • Weak point/Shortcoming : Demanding with myself when I love what I do and I’m honest • In the future I want to become a product manager or designer, for an outdoor sports company which have the value of riding and mountain sports or simply work as a high level technician in the leisure, textiles and footwear industry.
    • • I evenly work as a waiter in the ski resort “***** “ every winter to paid my training