
Тэкст ад maria_prot - English

  • Things you can change

  • One more secret of a happy life that we've all heard sometime is pretty simple: don't worry about things you can't change and focus on things you can.
    • But what it actually means in practice?
    • One day without any advice or theories I just started to notice all things that I worry about or feel annoyed (that time I literally wrote it down and that helped me).
    • You can add anything to this list from a broken screen till the project you have to do and from rainy weather till other person's words you didn't like.
    • And the most important part of this exercise is that you need to determine what things you can change and what you don't.
    • So first about things you can't change.
    • Let's be realistic, there is a lot in life you can't change: any of things you did in past, certain circumstances, other's people thoughts, 24 hours in a day .. and bad weather at least.
    • This is absolutely normal not to have everything under control so some things you just need to accept.
    • Worrying about all of this equals wasting time.
    • At the same time, on the other hand, a zone of things you can change is really huge!
    • And this is a challenge to understand the difference between two categories.
    • You can't change some person's behavior but you can change your reaction to it, you can't change a natural shape of your body but you can work hard for improving your fit.
    • All you need now is an action plan of fixing these things to make your life happier.
    • Yes, some of them take long time and efforts but if you decided to add them to list, the result will worth it.
    • And good news that some of these factors you can change immediately - like a mess in the room that spoils your mood.
    • Finally, you cross of these items from the list step by step making fewer reasons for any worrying.
    • You'll be much happier when you put your efforts and time only into the things you can change and let other things go.