
Tekst fra - English

    • Hello everyone , this is my first ^^

    • Hii everybody , i'm aymen k I'm from Algeria , I'm 21 years old , i study engineering , i wanna improve my English that's why im here , also I'm studying English at the Universal Learning Centre , i start from the first level , now i'm in the third level , i can speak and write better than before but I'm still bad .
    • i hope you correct me this part and evaluate me ^^

Venligst hjælp med at rette hver en sætning! - English

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  • Sætning 1
    • Hii everybody , i'm aymen k I'm from Algeria , I'm 21 years old , i study engineering , i wanna improve my English that's why im here , also I'm studying English at the Universal Learning Centre , i start from the first level , now i'm in the third level , i can speak and write better than before but I'm still bad .
      Stem nu!
    • Hii everybody , ¶
      iI'm aAymen k. I'm from Algeria ,. I'm 21 years old , i. I study engineering , i wanna. I want to improve my English, that's why iI'm here , a. Also I'm studying English at the Universal Learning Centre , ier. I started from the first level , now iI'm inat the third level , i.I can speak and write better than before but I'm still bad .
    • Hii, everybody , ¶
      . I'm aAymen k, and I'm from Algeria ,. I'm 21 years old , i studytwenty-one years old. I'm taking up engineering , i wanna. I want to improve my English, so that's why iI'm here , a. Also, I'm studying English at the Universal Learning Centre , i. I started from the first level , and now iI'm inat the third level , i. I can speak and write better than before, but I'm still bad .
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 1Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 1
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