
Tekst fra - English

  • The Letter

    • Dear Sir, I am writing to apply for a scholarship which is offered by the Korean government for foreign students.
    • I have found out about this scholarship from the website of Seoul National University .
    • I am a nineteen–year-old graduate.
  • This year I took my matura exams.
  • I have been learning English for the last eight years and I am at an intermediate level.
    • I would like to begin studies in Korea because I have been interested in Korea for the last six years.
    • In addition, I would like to get to know Koreanish people's mentality and behaviors but all experience I have gained was only via Internet and for me it's not enough.
    • I have been reading a lot about South Korean history, culture and traditions.
    • Moreover, Koreanish cinematography and marketing fascinate me and I would like to bottom the knowledge about these techniques.
    • The reason why I am learning about Korea is that it is my passion.
    • In my opinion South Korea is really interesting country.
    • I believe, that I am the best candidate for this scholarship because I am a hard-working, reliable and an open-minded person.
  • I would like to know more about South Korea.
    • Moreover, staying in Korea will give me the chance to learn the Korean language, which really fascinates me.
  • Studying in Korea is my dream.
    • I would like to study and If it'll be possibility to work in there, I would do that.
    • I hope that my application will be considered positively. .
    • I look forward to hearing from you.
    • Yours faithfully,

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