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    • the making-decision process proposed by Simon (IDC), it is the process the most well known although there are many process were developed with the number of phases ranging from three to eight or more, and often these process based on 3 principal phases which are the component phase of Simon's process (IDC).


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    • the making-decision process proposed by Simon (IDC), it is the process the most well known although there are many process were developed with the number of phases ranging from three to eight or more, and often these process based on 3 principal phases which are the component phase of Simon's process (IDC).
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    • tThe making-decision-making process proposed by Simon (IDC), it is the process the most well known although there are many processes that were developed with the number of phases ranging from three to eight or more, and often these processes were based on 3 principal phases which are the component phases of Simon's process (IDC).
    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 1