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Văn bản từ edita20 - English

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    • John Paul II Airport in Cracow is the second busiest airport in Poland.
    • It offers over 59 connections in the world.
    • Cracow for centuries puts charm on tourists with its beauty.
  • All range of three, four and five star hotels work for them.
  • In close proximity to the main square stands another interesting object.
    • It is a well-groomed tenement house in the XIX century Cracow climate with a characteristic yard and adornments.
  • Currently it is adapted for the hotel.
  • There are more such objects and while sleeping over you can touch their history in a free but very high standard.
  • While visiting Cracow it is necessary to see “Wieliczka”.
    • Unique object in the scale of Europe – an authentic salt mine, which history dates back to the Middle Ages.
    • In the neighbourhood of the Mikołaj Daniłowicz shaft, which tourists take to get to the basement of the salt mine “Wieliczka”, stands Grand Sal hotel.
    • This object was arised in the reconstituted building of former “Łazienki Salinarne”.
    • The building was meticulously reconstructed at the turn of the XIX/XX centuries, based on archival materials and according to conservational advice.
  • In the basement of the mine there is a unique scale-Europe underground sanatorium which treats upper and lower respiratory tract illnesses.

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