
Text from Juliya1235 - English

    • Childhood is the safest period of human life

    • It is a common knowledge that childhood is one of the most important periods of human life.
    • Some people think that it is the most carefree and safest period of our life.
  • Others claim that childhood is full of dangers.
    • In my opinion, the childhood is the best period of human life because you do not need to think about dangers and responsibilities.
    • Indeed, parents take care of us very much.
    • They protect us from difficult situations and mean people.
    • When we were children, we were surrounded by attention, love and care.
    • Moreover, children are pretty and innocent.
    • They looj so defenseless and helpless.
    • So, I think that nobody can harm them.
    • As for me, when I see a child, I want to protect him and take care of him.
    • Some opponents might say that childhood is not so hapoy time.
    • Firstly, in the childhood you can be involved in a bad group of people.
    • It will be able to ledto serious problems in future.
    • Secondly, nowadays children iften become victims of terrorists and criminals.
    • To a certain extent, it is right, but we should not forget that parents cannot isolate their children from other people.
    • But every parent tries to provide his child the best and safest living conditions.
    • To sum it up, I want to say that people should take card of children because they are our future.