
Text from IrinaSablina - English

    • Task 3.

    • 1) I agree with the author and think that a multiculturalist is someone who can adapt successfully to living in a culture different from their own, the sort of person we could describe as a citizen of the world, or a member of the global community.
  • Such people respect the traditions of other Nations, taking their world and sensitive to cultural differences.
    • 2) I think that a multiculturalist should be interested in travelling to countries with different world cultures.
    • It will help him better learn about the life of a certain people, to fit in with the culture.
  • He also needs to be a polyglot.
  • The study of foreign languages should be an easy lesson for him.
  • 3) I think that I am not a multiculturalist.
  • Because I'm not very interested in other cultures, their customs and traditions.
    • I respect other cultures, but probably will not be able to accommodate it.
  • I suppose that there was a big mix of different cultures, globalization has penetrated into most countries of the world community at the moment.
    • So to be multicultural, it is important that the various conflicts arose. 4.
    • When you first arrive in another country you should learn about its traditions, about what things you should not do to a conflict situation arose.
  • I've never been in the same situation. Task 4.
  • 1) Adolf from Germany invited his neighbor Svetlana for a date in a restaurant.
    • After dinner Adolf thanked her for a lovely evening, paid my part of the bill, and Svetlana had topay for themselves.
  • After that, Svetlana avoided meetings with Adolf and would not accept his proposals to meet.
    • Adolf was confused and did not understand what he did wrong.
    • 2) George was invited by his colleague Olga's birthday.
    • George gave Olga an exclusive set for tea and put it in a box a check.
  • Olga was surprised by this gift. Why?
  • Comments 1)In Russia if a man invites a woman out he should pay the entire bill.
    • In Germany there was no rule.
    • German women are more independent than Russian and used to pay for themselves, and not to expect this from men.
  • Adolf did not know this and ended up in an awkward situation.
  • 2) In America it is with a gift to give a check to another person was able to exchange the gift if it's not going to like him.
  • In Russia it is not accepted to report the value of the gift. Task 5.
    • In the Indian state of Maharashtra celebrate the birth of a child is accompanied by an unusual ceremony.
    • Throwing a newborn baby from the wall of the temple whose height is 15 meters.
  • People believe that after this ceremony the child becomes stronger, luck accompanies him throughout life, the child becomes clever and bold.
  • Bottom people pull the fabric in order to avoid an accident.
  • In Japan and Norway there is a tradition to give bouquets with an even number of flowers.
    • It is believed that if you give an odd number, then left without a pair the flower will be lonely.
    • In Kenya, the young husband after the wedding, have one month to wear women's clothes and perform women's duties.
  • Then he will remember all her life that being a woman is not so easy.
    • On the Indonesian island of Bali eat bats.
  • The most common way of cooking – grilled or deep-fried.
  • Also add them to the soup or simply stew their meat.
  • Every European country has its tacitly forbidden gifts.
  • For example, in France it is improper to present a married woman perfume — this can be done only by the husband.
  • In Germany it is impossible to give stationery, especially diaries — German can see the hint of punctuality.
    • In the United States recently decided to give a gift with a check in the box below in case the thing had no taste, it could be exchange or rent.
    • After Christmas and New year in the stores lined up in long queues of those who did not like the presents from colleagues and relatives.
  • Therefore, a gift without a receipt and with a cut label can become an unpleasant surprise for the recipient-American.