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  • Evaluation of established Mobile Web Frameworks =) PLS Correct!

  • If a company decides to represent themself on the mobile market, a common question is how to do that.
  • One possibility is to write one native app for each operating system or device.
  • Another one is to write one App for every operating systems by using a Mobile Web Framework.
  • These frameworks ususally works with HTML5 and Javascript.
  • There are a lot of different frameworks available.
  • This papers topic is to determine the advantages and disadvantages between mobile web frameworks and native apps.
  • Also, it will check the most common mobile web frameworks on the market.
  • Two of these frameworks will be examined and compared.
  • This is necessary to make more precise statements about pros and cons of mobile web frameworks.
  • The goal of these work is to get a current overview about the markets situation and learn something about current mobile web frameworks.