

Text from aiko17 - English

    • Some reason for going cinema by your own

    • The activity of going cinema is commonly associated to the idea of meeting with "others".
    • The movie itself is not enough reason for leaving our home apparently, it is more an excuse for meeting.
  • But... why don't we go by our own?
    • I found myself making that question once when I was really wishing to go cinema and none of my friends could (Forever alone haha) But my desire was bigger than my shame, so I took courage and went cinema by my own for first time.
  • I felt like a weirdo at the beginning.
    • I was a little paranoid wondering if people was looking at me like a weirdo too.
    • But the true story is that nobody noticed.
    • So, the next step... buying the ticket.
    • I arrived to the ticket office and red faced like a tomato I asked for ONE ticket with a trembling voice...
  • Nothing happened again...
    • After recovering myself from my fears, I realized that I really enjoy being alone at cinema.
    • You can have a better experience with the movie, and don't have to care if another person wants to buy popcorn, go to bathroom and so on.
    • But the BEST for far, is that NOBODY TALKS TO YOU.
    • I think that if people would go alone to cinema more often, nobody would disturb at cinema then and everybody would enjoy the movie.