

Text from sun79 - English

  • Karate black belt beat his Chinese girlfriend to death

    • A news report about a homicide is current in China that an overseas foreign student from Chinese was beaten to death in UK.
    • More and more Chinese students are willing to study abroad in recent years, as well as the victim is the daughter of a well-known Chinese entrepreneur—Guoxiang.Bi who is the former executive director of the household company around China--Yu Run Group.
    • The story goes that he's worth over 10 billion.
    • (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/karate-black-belt-beat-girlfriend-9770274 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4196420/Chinese-master-s-student-beaten-death-boyfriend.html) Surprisingly, Chinese netizens felt little pity for her.
  • The reasons are various.
    • Some netizens alleged that she lust for handsome man, because they two don't suit for each other from their looks.
    • She was reported to shower her boyfriend gifts including a car.
    • Some netizens even blamed her tragedy on her having no self-respect.
    • Since she had been beaten badly many times and called worthless, piece of s***, why she didn’t choose to leave?!
    • Also someone has a bias against people of Nanjing city (victim’s hometown): they use bad language regularly, what they want is a good smack, probably her swear words provoked her boyfriend to fight.
    • I don't agree with them totally, and I am astounded by their indifference.
    • Even though the victim lacked self-esteem or say something bad, her death should in no way been seen as serve her right.
  • Her boyfriend showed a severe disposition towards violence.
    • He was reported to use weapon similar to steel rod.
    • The pathologist found a number of healing rib fractures were caused in the weeks before the victim’s death.
    • Face these evidences, the suspect denied ever being violent towards his girlfriend in the past and claimed the only other time he had laid hands on her was grabbing her to stop her from getting run over by a bus.
  • What a big liar.
    • In my view the truth is the victim had already planned to leave but failed.
    • She was manipulated by her boyfriend’s violence and her own fear.