
Тэкст ад xX_KIRA_Xx - English

  • Oral exam

    • Myths and Heroes So I'm going to deal with the notion : Myths and Heroes.
    • But first, let me try to give a simple definition of this notion : The word heroe possesses several meaning, it could be : a legendary character to whom the tradition attributes prodigious exploits, remarkable fighter by its bravery and its sense of the sacrifice, somebody who embodies all the virtues in the eyes of somebody, and at least, the main characters of a work.
    • Now, I would like to illustrate this notion through an interistic topic wich is : the role model.
  • A role model is someone who other individuals aspire to be like.
  • How can an ordinary person be a role model ?
    • I have chosen to divide my presentation into 3 parts : In the first part, I will focus on the presentation of a famous role model : Mère Thérésa Then, I will concentrate on the qualities of a role model And finally, i will show that everyone could be a role model I/ To what extend does Mother Theresa is a role model ?
    • Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born on August 26, 1910.
  • She is more commonly known as Mother Teresa.
    • She is famous for being a Roman Catholic nun of Albanian ethnicity and Indian citizenship.
    • She took care of the poor, orphaned, sick, and dying.
  • I admire Mother Teresa because she cared about other people who were less fortunate and she really tried to make a difference in those people’s lives, which I think is a very kind and thoughtful thing to do.
    • Mother Teresa died on in Calcutta, India at age 87.
  • After she died, Pope John Paul the second gave her the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta.
    • II/ Generually, what are the qualities of a role model ?
    • A lot of role model follow this qualities : → Passion and ability to inspire : to succed, a role model need to be passionated by their work and to be able to passionate other →Clear set of values : role model inspire other people, so they have to get good value →Commitment to community : one of the qualities of a role model is to focuse other poeple around them →Selfness and acceptance of others : lots of people admire people who accepte other and show of selfness →Ability to overcome obstacles : the ability to overcome obstacle show to everyone how to be a role model and succed in life.
    • To conclude, I can say that everyone could be a role model by following this qualities.
    • A pascionate and fascinating person with good value and who be ablo to overcome obstacles have quite cards in hand to become a role model.