
Weirdolia'den mesaj - English

    • Could you please help me correcting this text???

    • We're told to strive for some sort of ideal life, which includes getting a good job, being kind to everyone, finding a partner, getting married, having a couple kids, living in a quiet neighborhood in a nice big house..
  • People are being used by those in power "like a pig in a cage on antibiotics"--being pacified with things like new phones and cool gadgets and houses while being sucked dry.
  • This boring, "perfect" life foisted upon us by some higher powers (not spiritual, but political, economic) Is this real life..
  • Is there seemingly any way out except death.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English

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  • cümle 1
    • We're told to strive for some sort of ideal life, which includes getting a good job, being kind to everyone, finding a partner, getting married, having a couple kids, living in a quiet neighborhood in a nice big house..
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • We're told to strive for some sort of ideal life, which includes getting a good job, being kind to everyone, finding a partner, getting married, having a couple of kids, and living in a quiet neighborhood in a nice big house..
    • YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle
 1YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 1
  • cümle 2
    • People are being used by those in power "like a pig in a cage on antibiotics"--being pacified with things like new phones and cool gadgets and houses while being sucked dry.
      Şİmdi oyla!
    • YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle
 2YENİ bir DÜZELTME EKLE! - cümle 2
  • cümle 3
  • cümle 4