
Texto de vivi13-76 - English

    • some thing abaut me

    • so i'm 36 years old ,i came from to Equator , i lived in italy for 10 years , and 5 years ago i stayng in france , i came back to school , and thi is my second year in the university , i took bi-langue italy and english , but i can't forward in english .


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    • so i'm 36 years old ,i came from to Equator , i lived in italy for 10 years , and 5 years ago i stayng in france , i came back to school , and thi is my second year in the university , i took bi-langue italy and english , but i can't forward in english .
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    • sSo i'm 36 years old , i came from to Equator , i. I lived in iItaly for 10 years , and 5 years ago i staynged in fFrance , i. I came back to school tudying, and this is my second year in the university , i. I took bi-langueage course - italyian and english , but i can't forwarsucceed in eEnglish .
    • so i'I am 36 years old ,i. I came from to EqEcuatdor , iand lived in iItaly for about 10 years , and. Since 5 years ago iI am staying in fFrance , i c. I ame back to my school ,now and this is my second year in the university , i. I took bi-two langue italy and english , but i can't forward in eage courses. One is Italian and the other is English. Italian is fine, but i am having difficulty to progress with my English . .
    • so i'm 36 years old ,i caome from to Eqcuatdor , i lived in italy for 10 years , and 5 years ago i staynged in fFrance , i came back to school , and this is my second year in the university , i took bi-two langue italyages Italian and eEnglish , but i can't forward inimprove my english .
    • so iHi I'm 36 years old ,iand I caome from to Equator , i. I lived in iItaly for 10 years , and 5 years ago i stayngI lived in fFrance , i came. I went back to school , and this is my second year in the university , i. I took bi-2 langue italyages, Italian and eEnglish , but iI can't forwardimprove in eEnglish .
    • so iI'm 36 years old ,i. I came from to Equator , iand I lived in iItaly for 10 years , and. 5 years ago iI staynged in fFrance , i cameand went back to school , and thi . This my second year inat the university , i. I took bi-laingue italyal classes in Italian and eEnglish , but i can't forwardI'm not fluent in eEnglish .
    • so iI'm 36 years old ,i.I caome from to Equatdor , i. I have lived in iItaly for 10 years , and 5 years ago i stayng in france , i cameand moved to France 5 years ago. I went back to school , and this is my second year inat the university , i. I took bi-laingue italyal classes in Italian and eEnglish , but iI can't forward in eouldn't improve my English .
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